May 4, 2010

Something to Chew on...

In light of talking about homosexuality in our AC, I thought this YouTube video about being "gay and Christian" featuring Jennifer Knapp & Ted Haggard would be interesting to watch. 
Good stuff for discussion this Sunday, at the very least...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That was very interesting. I had not heard about Jennifer Knapp being gay. It seemed to me that the show chose their interviees very carefully. Jennifer being liberal in her faith, Pastor Bob being conservative and Haggard trying to go between them. A couple things that stuck out for me was Jennifer's "de-Christianing" (to completely make up a word)of her language. She was very generic chosing "faith" over "Christian" and being very relative (e.g. what's good for you is good for you, not me.) Her new interpretation of the Bible was also key. She compared interpreting the Bible to interpreting any book you read. She said the book "becomes the interpretation of our experience." So, my experience dictates how I interpret what the Bible says. So, if I'm homosexual, then I can decide that the interpretation of the Greek word that has been used for centuries to read "homosexual" is no longer accurate and could be interpreted another way. Interesting. I'm not sure I'd like to read a Bible that continued to change as my experiences in life changed. I think what Pastor Bob said was good, but I can guarantee any unbelieving people would be offended by what Pastor Bob said. Just read the comments under the video. I really wish I could be there on Sunday. I'd love if someone could post a summary of the discussion so it could "continue" online. Thanks for posting the video as well. I'm saddened by Jennifer's news about being homosexual. I love her earlier music and have even sung one song during a college missions trip to Jamaica :). Not a pretty sound...just ask Lindsey.
