April 7, 2010

Teaching Topics

I've got a few ideas about what to teach over the summer and I'd like to get your feedback. Which of the following studies most interests you? And yes, you can pick more than one.

1 John
Theological Doctrines (a week on each point of the church's statement of faith)
Heroes of the Faith - a study of the key figures in the Bible
Apologetics - A biblical response to major ethical issues (abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, etc.)

Thanks for your thoughts,


  1. I personally like apologetics & theological doctrines (which might be timely with the pastoral search)

  2. I like the book studies, OT or NT (we are obviously partial to Ruth;) )
    Anyone for "Heroes of the Faith" so we can get all options covered?:)

  3. I agree with Tami - Theological doctrines would be a timely topic. 1 John would be of interest as well. All of the topics sound interesting though. So, I'm flexible :)
